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easily set up your direct deposit

How Skyla Makes Payday Easier

direct deposit made easy!

switch your direct deposit to skyla

If you're still receiving physical paychecks every month (or your direct deposit is still being paid to another financial institution) it's time to upgrade to Skyla's Direct Deposit! Using your payroll credentials, this free service enables you to easily to switch direct deposits from your accounts on your computer, tablet, or smartphone!

Man with Dog - Circle - Zelle

frequently asked questions

Is Direct Deposit Safe?

i don't know my payroll credentials

do i have to deposit my entire paycheck?

how much does this cost to update my direct deposit?

how long will it take to update my direct deposit?

does this work for my social security payments?

learning and guidance

direct deposit resources

have another question?

contact us!

If you have any additional questions or concerns about updating your direct deposit to Skyla, we're happy to help! Simply log in to Digital Banking to send us a Secure Message or Chat in real-time, or submit a Contact Us form

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